How Much Time Should You Spend in the Garden? Boost Your Productivity and Joy while Gardening

Having a garden is like having a personal oasis to indulge in nature's beauty and tranquility. But if you're feeling a little lost in the gardening maze, don't worry! It's normal to feel that way at first.

Just remember, the garden is a place to get your hands dirty and have fun.

Whether you're a novice with a green thumb or an experienced gardener, let's dive into how you can optimize your garden time for maximum enjoyment and productivity.

Finding Joy in Gardening in Colorado

In this blog, you’ll learn:

  • Understanding Time Investment in Gardening

  • Key Gardening Activities to Enhance Your Garden's Health

  • How to Make Gardening Less Overwhelming

  • The Role of a Garden Coach

how much time should you spend in your backyard garden each week?

The amount of time you should spend in your garden varies, but a practical rule of thumb is to allocate approximately 1-3 minutes per square foot of growing space each week.

For instance, if you're tending to a 36-square-foot garden, you should aim to spend between 36 and 108 minutes weekly, breaking down to a manageable 5-15 minutes daily.

This ensures your garden receives consistent attention without overwhelming your schedule. Time to get digging!


Key Gardening Activities to Enhance Your Garden's Health (and your own joy)

  1. Pest Monitoring and Management:
    Keep a watchful eye on garden pests and use some classic cultural intervention (like picking them off or spraying them with a jet of water.) Regularly inspecting your plants allows you to identify and manage pests early - so you can stay ahead of the problem.

  2. Observing Plant Health:
    Frequent visits help you spot signs of distress in plants, enabling timely interventions to address issues like nutrient deficiencies or water stress.

  3. Gradual Pruning:
    Instead of a major trim session, prune your plants bit by bit. This is less stressful for the plants and more manageable for you.

  4. Nutrient Boosts:
    Sprinkle compost when your plants need a little extra love! This can give your plants the extra nutrients they need, to boost your plant growth and give you a vibrant garden.

  5. Enjoying the Harvest:
    The ultimate reward of your gardening efforts is the harvest. Regular gardening allows you to savor the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor, ensuring you pick produce at its peak freshness. 🙌

Making Gardening Less Overwhelming

Garden Tips for Productivity

Spreading out garden tasks makes the process less intimidating and more enjoyable.

This consistent engagement not only nurtures your garden but also deepens your connection to the living landscape you're cultivating.

Don’t think of your garden as a chore, but instead, an enjoyable task that allows you to slow down and feel connected with the earth.

The expert Role of a Garden Coach

If you're seeking guidance or wish to enhance your gardening skills, consider partnering with a garden coach. A coach can provide seasonal advice, tailored strategies, and ongoing support to help you achieve your gardening goals.

And if you need help right now, that’s where I come in! We work with you for seasonal 1:1 garden coaching to make sure you the most of your garden.

Want to forgo the work and just enjoy the harvest? We also offer garden maintenance care packages to suit any size garden.

Ready to get started? Inquire here.

Gardening should be a source of joy, not a chore. By understanding the time commitment and integrating efficient practices, you can create a thriving garden that reflects your dedication and passion.

Whether you're hands-on or prefer to enlist expert help, the key is to find a balance that suits your lifestyle, allowing you to savor the tranquility and abundance of your personal outdoor retreat.

Remember, every minute spent in your garden is an investment in a greener, more joyful life. So, grab your gardening tools, and let's make every moment count!

Have questions or want to share your gardening success stories?

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**This post may contain affiliate links, which means I earn a small profit if you click on the link to make a purchase. Other links are not sponsored, because I also like supporting small, local businesses.**

Meet the Gardener

I’m Elisa Mack - a mom and Denverite who went from being a green-ish thumb to a kitchen garden fanatic simply by dedicating myself to the study of all things Colorado gardening.

Landscapers don’t design. And nurseries don’t make house calls.

We take a more full-service approach, from designing your dream garden to keeping it beautiful year-round.

And as your coach, I’ll help eliminate the guesswork through every season, no matter your level of knowledge.

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