How to: Wake up your garden in Spring

Spring is within reach. Well, mostly. And shockingly, it's time to wake up your garden for planting.

We're not quite ready to plant directly into the garden, but we can take steps to make sure our garden warms up as quickly as possible.

step one

Start by clearing out debris from the garden beds. This can mean any plant material that wasn't cleaned up in the fall, soft mulch you added in the fall, or any weeds that have started growing already.

step two

Gently turn over the exposed soil to release any plant roots that were left to decompose over winter and to expose any insects that overwintered in your soil. You'll also remove these roots - they have served their purpose underground. If you have cover crops, you'll cut these back and mix them into the soil.

step three

Add in a good amount of compost - even if you added some in the fall - and mix into the soil.

step four

Use low hoops and frost cloth to cover your beds. Using frost cloth over garden beds raises soil temperature by 4°. This means that your soil will warm up faster and you'll be able to plant earlier.

step five

When it snows, remove the snow from the frost cloth as soon as you can.

Once the soil reaches the optimal temperature, you'll be able to plant!!

Did you know that Auntie M’s Garden is offering a full garden membership?

We help you manage your garden from start to finish. It includes all the plants & seeds you'll need for the year, 12 in garden visits, and tons of extras. It starts at $18/sf and the payments are divided equally over the course of the year. We feel this is really the best way to get the most of your garden and learn a lot in the process!! It also allows us to carefully succession plant small crops like carrots and lettuce instead of getting them all in at one time.

Schedule your free 20 minute discovery call to get started.


Starting seeds indoors, simplified


Plants for each season