Leslie M’s Bountiful Backyard Garden Oasis


An unmanageable garden area turned into a bountiful oasis - without the hassle!

When Leslie came to me for help, she was feeling… What she really wanted was…. but she was struggling with… - and she didn’t know what to do!

And that’s when Auntie M stepped in. 😉

The Problem:

Describe in more detail what the problem was with this garden! Weeds? Critters? Describe it as if you were sharing it with another client! This should only be 1-2 paragraphs.


The Solution:

Describe how you solved her problems and created her dream garden! Describe it as if you were sharing it with another client! This should only be 1-2 paragraphs.


The Results:

Describe what her results were in detail - be specific! Bountiful Harvest? Spending time outside? Having a yard you’re proud of? Describe it as if you were sharing it with another client! This should only be 1-2 paragraphs.


here’s what Leslie had to say:

“I had a garden area but it was getting too hard to maintain and wasn’t enjoyable. I needed someone with expertise to really make a patch of dirt into a garden. If we were going to do it, we should do it right. I don't know anything about gardening, and Elisa came and fixed the weeds, added soil, and then worked with me on plants and how to get rid of critters. Each week, I had a basket of fruits and vegetables without the hassle!” - Leslie M


Samantha W. Testimonial