Fertilizing your garden with worm castings

Worm castings, also called vermicompost or worm poop, are an amazing nutrient for your garden. If you’ve planted with me before you know that worm castings are my “special ingredient” and go into every transplant hole.

Worm castings are natural and sustainable. They are made using kitchen scraps and paper/cardboard from your own home. They increase water absorption, aid in soil aeration, increase nutrient uptake, fight soil-borne diseases, repel insects, and are FULL of microbes, fungi, bacteria, and nutrients like iron, sulfur, calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. PLUS the nutrients are time released so your plant will continue to utilize all available nutrients over time.

If you can’t tell.

We really love worms!

In addition to the jump start at planting, I like to fertilize the garden a couple times a season. Usually about a month after planting and when fruit starts to set.

There are a few ways to apply castings as fertilizer. Read on to find out more.

That’s it! Your plants will use the nutrients as needed to be happy and healthy.

We would love to help you set up your own worm bin at home. Click here to schedule your free 15 minute call to discuss the best worm bin for you.


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