Eat what you grow…Garlic Scapes
Ok so first off… What is a garlic scape and why should you make it into a butter?
Garlic scapes are the flower stalk of hardneck garlic. They emerge when the clove is about 3 weeks away from harvest. If you wanted to grow out garlic seed (not seed garlic which is what we usually plant), you would allow the stalk to bloom and collect the seeds.
Instead you harvest that little tender delicious garlicky goodness.
But “what” do you ask, “do you do with it once it’s harvested? How do you harness the savory and drool worthy taste of the garlic scape? And how, please how, do you save the essence of garlic scapes to delve into all winter long????”
Read on dear reader…read on.

Garlic Scape Butter
Excuse me while I dream of the burst of flavor this recipe provides.
Ok I’m done.
1/2 c butter (or dairy free butter)
12-15 garlic scapes
1/4 lemon
You’ll also need parchment paper
In advance: Set out 1/2 c (2 sticks) butter or butter alternative and bring to room temperature.
Using a food processor blend up the garlic scapes and the juice from 1/4 lemon until the scapes are a smooth(ish) consistency. They’ll still be chunky but you don’t want any huge pieces.
Incorporate the mixture into the butter. I like to use a potato masher.
Place the mixed butter onto a piece of parchment paper and roll it into a tube. Then place in the refrigerator for immediate use or freeze for up to 12 months (though it won’t last that long).
And ENJOY!! We use this on eggs, to make garlic bread, when we sauté veggies from the garden…you name it!